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Grow Oriental lilies

Grow Oriental lilies for a rich fragrance and exotic blooms. Plant bulbs in garden borders or in pots for colour and scent all summer long!

Oriental lilies

Whether you want the fabulous scented blooms to fill your garden or home with their heady scents, or you want vases of exotic lilies filling your home with fragrance and beauty, Oriental lilies are the ones to grow.

With long stems of huge and fragrant multiple blooms, these are the lilies that florists choose for their fabulous summer bouquets and bridal centrepieces. You can grow them easily in your own garden and enjoy them as cut flowers for your home, or just leave them to flower in the garden.

On each stem the large flower buds burst open to reveal flowers in tropical hues; spectacular in colour and size and rich in a permeating fragrance that fills the air.

It’s a show stopping performance all the more spectacular and surprising because these exotic looking beauties are fully hardy and will create a repeat performance next year, the year after and long into the next decade too, offering fantastic value for money.

Growing tips

  • Feed regularly throughout the growing season with Flower Power to get the very best from your plants and masses more flowers.
  • Keep them well watered in hot sunny weather, but don’t overwater when the weather is cooler.
  • Lily bulbs should be planted at a depth of about 3 times their own height and 15cm (6in) apart. Planting deeply helps to protect the bulb during particularly hot periods.
  • For the best results choose a sheltered, sunny position where lilies will grow with their heads in the sun and their roots in the shade.

This is a guest post from the folks at Thompson & Morgan.


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