Jobs to do this July

  1. Holiday prep

    If you’re going away on holiday, get on top of any pests and diseases before you go – they’ll only get worse while you’re away. Give plants a good watering and feed too, and don’t forget to mow the lawn.

  2. Roses

    Deadhead roses as the flowers fade – as it’ll prolong flowering. Also keep roses well watered during prolonged dry periods over summer and feed weekly with a high potash liquid plant feed, such as Flower Power.

  3. Watering

    Water the garden regularly during warm weather, but avoid watering during the heat of the day. A good soaking is better than a little-and-often approach. Containers and especially hanging baskets may need watering daily. Applying a layer of mulch to borders will help the soil conserve moisture.

  4. Plant cuttings

    Take cuttings of shrubs and climbers now. Cut off the top 10cm (4in) of healthy shoots, remove the lower leaves and plant in a 50:50 mix of compost and grit. Cuttings will take about 6-8 weeks to root.

  5. Strawberry runners

    When strawberry plants start to produce runners, peg them down so that the tip is touching the soil or compost. Once they’ve rooted, cut them from the mother plant and pot them into 9cm (3½ in) pots. By September, they’ll be the perfect size for planting.

  6. Hedges

    It’s a great time to trim hedges. Try to cut the sides at a slight angle so the bottom is a bit wider than the top. This helps strengthen the hedge and also lets more light reach the base, which helps it grow better and prevents bare bases. Remember to check for nesting birds before you trim.

  7. Tomatoes

    Pinch out the top of outdoor tomatoes once they have set four trusses. They’ll  ripen faster so you don’t get left with lots of green tomatoes in the autumn.

  8. Runner beans

    For the best crop of runner beans, keep them well watered, especially during hot weather. To help the flowers set, mist the plants in the late afternoon/early evening.

  9. Sweet peas

    For the longest lasting display of sweet peas, keep picking them as soon as the flowers open. If you leave them on the plant and they go to seed, they’ll simply stop producing any more flowers.

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