woman harvesting spinach

Summer GYO advice

Martyn Cox shares his advice for peak summer Grow Your Own success to keep your plot productive.

sticky pear cake

Sticky pear cake

Use up a few juicy, homegrown pears and make a scrumptious, sticky pear cake with this easy recipe from Jean Vernon.

Quince fruit

What can you do with quinces?

Royal Kitchen Garden Keeper at Hampton Court Palace Vicki Cooke explores the history and uses of the fascinating quince


Growing apples

If there’s one fruit that’s suited to our inclement weather, it’s the apple, says former Royal Kitchen Garden Keeper at Hampton Court Palace, Vicki Cooke.

Are trees good for the birds?

There is something magical about watching birds feed in your own garden. But it’s not just about putting out bird food. What we grow in our gardens can be a vital lifeline too. As winter approaches there is much we can do to help wildlife get through the cold bleak months.

ripe figs on tree

Grow figs in the UK

Vicki Cooke unravels some of the mysteries and historical facts about growing figs in Britain.

Keep your veg garden productive

With a little care and attention you can keep all your herbs, fruit and vegetables at the peak of perfection, Martyn Cox offers some timely advice

Blueberry plant in garden

Easy fruit for beginners

Want to grow your own fruit, but not sure where to start? Jean Vernon picks five fruits that are really easy to grow and will give you a great crop year after year.

vegetables and flowers in mixed border

Grow attractive edibles

In his Grow-Your-Own feature Martyn Cox recommends plants that look good and taste great.

What’s seasonal in the late summer garden?

Tamsin Westhorpe reminds us why September is a month to savour and celebrate. Late flowering perennials and seasonal fruit take her fancy.

My Flower Power Story

Expert gardener Martin Fish has been working in the garden industry for more than forty years. He has been using Richard’s Flower Power plant food in his garden on a wide range of flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Ripening raspberries on the bush

Extending the grow-your-own season

Early September is the time to crack on with harvesting tomatoes, courgettes, peppers and other tender vegetables & fruit that you’ve been growing outside.

Orange marigolds and nasturtiums

What is companion planting?

Some plants offer additional benefits when grown in close proximity with others. Jean Vernon explores.


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