As a nation we love feeding the birds. But it’s just as important to ensure they have a safe and reliable source of fresh water says Jean Vernon.

As a nation we love feeding the birds. But it’s just as important to ensure they have a safe and reliable source of fresh water says Jean Vernon.
When spring starts, there’s a real energy in the garden as our feathered friends start to nest.
Spring is a great time to install a house for your feathered friends. Jean Vernon has some top tips and advice on siting a nest box in your garden.
Garden birds are an essential addition to the healthy garden. You can help document the garden birds by preparing for the Big Garden Bird Watch.
If you are getting ready for the Big Garden Bird Watch you need to be able to identify some of your common garden birds.
Grow some plants in the garden that bear berries to help birds through the winter. Pyracantha, ivy, holly and cotoneaster are all good choices.
The garden is still rich in autumn fruit, seeds, nuts and berries and also insects, but competition is fierce. Here are 5 ways to help the birds over winter.
It might sound daft but there’s a bit more to feeding the birds than putting out birdseed. Jean Vernon offers some timely advice.
As the seasons change the garden birds become more animated in our gardens. Jean Vernon suggests ways to attract more garden birds.
There is something magical about watching birds feed in your own garden. But it’s not just about putting out bird food. What we grow in our gardens can be a vital lifeline too. As winter approaches there is much we can do to help wildlife get through the cold bleak months.
Geoff Hodge shares some hints and tips to make more of your garden plants and save some money by growing something for nothing – or just about!
Jean Vernon suggests a few ways to garden more gently, lessening your impact on the planet and its precious resources
If you are taking part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Watch you will want to submit the best records you can for your garden, but you might be asking yourself, “how can I attract more birds for the Big Garden Bird Watch?
Geoff Stonebanks shares his festive tips and plants for garden containers.
Give your bird feeders and bird baths a health check before the winter.
The garden birds aren’t just pretty to look at, they are a vital weapon in the gardener’s war on pests.