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Living edges

Not every garden boundary needs a fence or a trellis to delineate it. Sometimes you can use plants to create a soft screen between garden areas


Wonderful worms

Where would we be without worms? These soil dwelling creatures are responsible for soil health in our gardens. Without these wiggling creatures our soil would be compacted, starved of oxygen and probably waterlogged.


Ways to save money in the garden

f you have any kind of outdoor space there are lots of ways to make more of it without busting the budget. Not only that but you can use your garden to grow and create...



Don’t reach for the weedkiller when you see dandelions. Considered weeds by some, these spring flowers are a vital pollen source for bees.


Nesting birds

There’s a real energy in the spring garden as our feathered friends start to nest.


Nest box know-how

Spring is a great time to install a house for your feathered friends. Jean Vernon has some top tips and advice on siting a nest box in your garden.


Make a date with your garden

Morning coffee is a simple way to get to know your garden. So next time you put the kettle on, take a seat outside and have a look around your garden. Who knows what you’ll...


Moles in the garden

Mention moles to most gardeners and the conversation immediately turns to lawns. Lovely swaths of manicured lawn punctuated by vast and numerous mounds of freshly, finely tilled soil.

Grow your own

Starting with herbs

Herbs are the powerhouses of the garden, kitchen and medicine cabinet. But they have so many other roles too, Jean Vernon explains.



It’s not just the funny bird antics that bring our gardens alive in winter; it’s the bird song that lifts the dullest day and the darkest hour.


Berries for birds

Grow some plants in the garden that bear berries to help birds through the winter. Pyracantha, ivy, holly and cotoneaster are all good choices.


Natural celebrations

Happy Winter Solstice. Traditionally celebrated on the shortest day of the year, winter solstice falls a few days before Christmas.


The king of winter

We might associate the robin with the winter garden, but did you know that the little wren is one of our more common garden birds?


Plant a winter container

Create some real drama in your garden with a seasonal planter. Just a handful of plants will establish colour and interest for weeks on end.


Winter bird care

The garden is still rich in autumn fruit, seeds, nuts and berries and also insects, but competition is fierce. Here are 5 ways to help the birds over winter.


How to make a sustainable Christmas wreath

There’s something quite magical about an all-natural, sustainable door wreath at Christmas. And if you are lucky enough to have access to a garden to pick some stems and foliage it is very easy to...


Choosing your Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is the centrepiece of most people’s Christmas festivities and a real Christmas tree not only looks great – but smells wonderful too.


Starling murmurations

If you love birds, look out for these magical movements of starlings as they swoop and swirl in magnificent murmurations.

Grow your own

Winter herbs in pots

Herbs are the true garden heroes. Herbs can be a gateway into gardening, or the bridge between houseplants and gardens. Jean Vernon explains.


Sticky pear cake

Use up a few juicy, homegrown pears and make a scrumptious, sticky pear cake with this easy recipe from Jean Vernon.

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