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Whatever your level of gardening experience we have a selection of articles, guides and videos to advise and inspire you in your garden! Make sure to check back as new content is published regularly.

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Grow your own

Starting with herbs

Herbs are the powerhouses of the garden, kitchen and medicine cabinet. But they have so many other roles too, Jean Vernon explains.


Grow perfect peonies

Peonies are the must-have flower of the summer. Create the wow-factor in your garden with these fabulous, flamboyant flowers.

Grow your own

What are micro-greens?

If you are tight on space and starting out, have a grow with micro-greens. These tiny plants are simply seedlings and their first leaves pack a punch of flavour.


Know your onions

Get adventurous with your onions this year and try growing some unusual varieties from seed. Vicki Cooke, the former Royal Kitchen Garden Keeper at Hampton Court Palace, shows you how.


How can I garden on a budget?

If you are stuck at home with little or no income, Debi Holland shares her tips and ideas for increasing your garden blooms without breaking the bank.


Winter lawn care

It might seem that it’s all quiet on the lawn front during winter and you can ignore it and leave well alone at this time of year. But some timely winter lawn care will ensure...


What was your gateway plant?

We asked some of our contributors which plant got them hooked on gardening? It’s a fascinating insight into plants and gardens and may just take you back down memory lane.

Grow your own

Winter herbs in pots

Herbs are the true garden heroes. Herbs can be a gateway into gardening, or the bridge between houseplants and gardens. Jean Vernon explains.


Succulent love

Succulents are easy to grow and can be grown outdoor in the garden or in pots, or bring them indoors as house plants. Here are 5 great succulents to try.


Pruning roses

Find out the best way to prune your bush, shrub and climbing roses with rose pruning advice from Michael Marriott of David Austin Roses.


Grow garden hellebores

Hellebores truly are the winter wonders of the garden. These beautiful plants have stunning winter flowers and are a beacon of hope in the coldest months of the year.


Gardening for hope

Over recent years there has been much research indicating that gardens and green spaces are associated with better physical, social and mental health.


Natural celebrations

Happy Winter Solstice. Traditionally celebrated on the shortest day of the year, winter solstice falls a few days before Christmas.


Evergreens for winter pots

Evergreens come into their own in winter. Make use of smaller ones in pots and containers to bring colour and interest to your garden.

Inspiration, Plants

White winter wonderland

You don’t need to wait for some frost or snow to add some white magic to your garden, Jean Vernon has plenty of ideas.


Poinsettias as cut flowers

Poinsettias make great festive cut flowers and will last up to two weeks. Here are 5 great ideas for using poinsettias as cut flowers.


Christmas houseplants

The shops are brimming with some beautiful Christmas houseplants at the moment – but some are better than others. Here’s how to get the pick of the pots.

1 - 30 of 874 features

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