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Whatever your level of gardening experience we have a selection of articles, guides and videos to advise and inspire you in your garden! Make sure to check back as new content is published regularly.

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1 - 14 of 14 features

Five herbs for bees

Even a small pot of herbs can make a difference to your pollinating friends. Jean Vernon chooses five great herbs to grow for the bees.


Spring houseplant care

Learn all about spring houseplant care to keep your houseplants in tip-top condition with houseplant addict Debi Holland.


Guerrilla gardening for kids

Get the kids into guerrilla gardening by making seed bombs to add colour to the garden. This is an extract from a book on children’s gardening by Matthew Appleby.


Spring plants for small spaces

Short on space, or restricted to pots? Here are some lovely spring gems for your garden. Plant addict Andy McIndoe recommends some spring treasures for small spaces.


Plant partners for roses

Rose expert Michael Marriott suggests some perfect companion plants for garden roses. Enhance your garden roses with the beauty of other flowering plants.


Get the wildflower meadow effect

You don’t need a huge garden to create a wildflower meadow-effect. Even small urban gardens can get the wildflower meadow effect, says Debi Holland.


Spring lawn care

Spring is nearly here. Temperatures will soon start to rise and the amount and quality of daylight is increasing. That can mean only one thing: the grass is growing and if you want a lawn...


Gardening for songbirds

Our garden songbirds are in decline, but gardeners can make a huge difference to their survival, not just by providing the correct food.

Inspiration, Wildlife

First signs of spring

Look out for signs of spring in your garden. It will lift your spirits and prove that winter will soon be behind us.

Grow your own

Get ready to sow seeds

Growing from seed is the budget way to fill your garden with lots of plants, follow Debi Holland’s tips for success.


Getting ready for spring

It may be cold, wet, miserable and depressing outside but there’s still lots you can do outdoors to get your garden ready for spring.

Grow your own

Starting with herbs

Herbs are the powerhouses of the garden, kitchen and medicine cabinet. But they have so many other roles too, Jean Vernon explains.


Grow perfect peonies

Peonies are the must-have flower of the summer. Create the wow-factor in your garden with these fabulous, flamboyant flowers.

Grow your own

What are micro-greens?

If you are tight on space and starting out, have a grow with micro-greens. These tiny plants are simply seedlings and their first leaves pack a punch of flavour.


Know your onions

Get adventurous with your onions this year and try growing some unusual varieties from seed. Vicki Cooke, the former Royal Kitchen Garden Keeper at Hampton Court Palace, shows you how.


How can I garden on a budget?

If you are stuck at home with little or no income, Debi Holland shares her tips and ideas for increasing your garden blooms without breaking the bank.

1 - 14 of 14 features

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