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Get the wildflower meadow effect

You don’t need a huge garden to create a wildflower meadow-effect. Even small urban gardens can get the wildflower meadow effect, says Debi Holland.

Grow your own

Get ready to sow seeds

Growing from seed is the budget way to fill your garden with lots of plants, follow Debi Holland’s tips for success.


Can I plant bulbs for the summer?

With spring well underway, it’s time to plan and plant for the summer. Debi Holland chooses her five favourite summer bulbs and offers her tips and advice along the way


Bee a better gardener

Once you have taken stock of your plant survivors, spare a thought for some of the other creatures in your garden, in particular the bees.


Five favourite houseplants

Over the last few years houseplants have seen an upsurge in popularity and for good reason; having plants around us makes us feel good. Debi Holland takes us through her five favourite houseplants.

Pests, weeds and diseases

Japanese knotweed

If you’ve heard the horror stories about Japanese knotweed you might want to know how to identify it and whether it’s really as bad as everyone makes out?


Happy Houseplants

Don’t dump your houseplants in fear of costly bills, there are plenty of houseplants for low light and lower temperatures, says Debi Holland.


Are trees good for the birds?

There is something magical about watching birds feed in your own garden. But it’s not just about putting out bird food. What we grow in our gardens can be a vital lifeline too. As winter...


Grow your own tea garden

Herbal teas are a fantastic way to enjoy home-grown herbs, Debi Holland offers some sage advice on how to grow your own tea garden.

Advice and Tips

Why feed houseplants?

Unlike us humans who can eat meals packed with vitamins to keep healthy, surprise surprise, houseplants cannot move around to feed themselves, they rely totally on what we feed them. If planted in the ground,...


Spring houseplant care

Learn all about spring houseplant care to keep your houseplants in tip-top condition with houseplant addict Debi Holland.


Mindfulness for gardeners

If you have access to a garden, you have an open door to reach a little deeper into its offerings and calm you mind, body and spirit, explains Debi Holland


How can I garden on a budget?

If you are stuck at home with little or no income, Debi Holland shares her tips and ideas for increasing your garden blooms without breaking the bank.


Planting hope

When I started working as a professional gardener I had no idea gardening could have such a profound positive effect on mental wellbeing.

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