Woman hand weeding

How to tackle garden weeds

Love it or hate it, weeding the garden is something that needs to be done. Martyn Cox shares his hard earned experience in his new series for beginners.

Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed

If you’ve heard the horror stories about Japanese knotweed you might want to know how to identify it and whether it’s really as bad as everyone makes out?

ball shaped box plants

Keeping box plants healthy

There’s a natural and exciting way to protect your box topiary, box hedges and box plants from the box moth caterpillars.

healthy box plants and lawn

Be clever with garden box

If your box plants are struggling, we might have the answer to your prayers.

aphids on plant close up

Pest patrol

Walking your garden for five to 10 minutes on a regular basis means you can stop pests like aphids and slugs getting out of control and becoming a problem.

close up of ladybird

Kinder Garden pest control by Richard Jackson

Occasionally gardeners are faced with problems that need some attention. Here at Richard Jackson Garden we try to find kinder, cleaner but effective ways to garden.


How to Get Rid of Slugs in The Garden

The slug is one of the nation’s most-hated garden pests. Jean Vernon guides you through various methods of safe, wildlife friendly controls.

vine weevil close up

What is garden biological control?

If you use nematodes to control slugs or vine weevils, or let the birds eat your garden bugs, then you’ve already discovered biological control says Jean Vernon.

ladybird larva

Ladybird larvae

The black and orange ladybird larvae are a strange sight to see in the garden, but they are a gardener’s friend – devouring a massive amount of bugs before pupating in summer and emerging as ladybirds.

honey fungus

Honey Fungus

Keep an eye out for the dreaded honey fungus. Pippa Greenwood shares her wisdom on identifying this most terrifying garden fungus.


Leatherjackets cause havoc in lawns, eating the roots of grass. Pippa Greenwood has some good tips for ridding your lawn of these pests.

potato blight

Potato and tomato blight

Pippa Greenwood offers a timely reminder to be on the look out for the dreaded tomato and potato blight

rosemary beetle

Rosemary beetle

Look out for the rosemary beetle – a psychedelic shiny, stripy purple and green metallic beetle – on rosemary, lavender, sage and thyme plants.

Box blight

Pippa Greenwood offers some sage advice against the troublesome box blight.

Chafer grubs.

Chafer grubs

If your lawn is being dug up by badgers or attracting birds, you may have chafer grubs feeding on the roots. Find out how to get rid of these lawn pests.


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