Geoff Hodge offers some timely advice to make your hanging baskets spectacular this summer.

Geoff Hodge offers some timely advice to make your hanging baskets spectacular this summer.
Cosmos are one of the easiest, most rewarding flowers you can grow in your garden. Their simple, open flowers have a friendly, smiley, summery demeanor and can be planted in beds, borders, pots and containers all around your garden with simply stunning results.
Debi Holland shares her love of garden annuals and suggests five fabulous annuals to grow in your garden
Plants in pots will elevate any garden, whether you have a patch in the countryside, small urban plot or even a narrow balcony.
When the aches and pains limit your gardening, it can be disheartening. Debi Holland offers advice on how to keep yourself gardening when faced with restricted mobility
Bored of pots and planters? You don’t need to buy special containers for your plants. Why not recycle something to create a more unusual display? Debi Holland offers some suggestions
Geoff Hodge shares some hints and tips to make more of your garden plants and save some money by growing something for nothing – or just about!
Debi Holland offers five reasons why flowers are good to grow in among your veg.
In his Grow-Your-Own feature Martyn Cox recommends plants that look good and taste great.
Fancy some colour in the garden this season? Follow Michael Perry’s advice. Here he takes the pain out of growing plants from seed.
If you are stuck at home with little or no income, Debi Holland shares her tips and ideas for increasing your garden blooms without breaking the bank.
Professional gardener, Debi Holland shares her tips for getting the best from these fabulous garden plants.
Jean Willis started feeding her plants and garden with Flower Power and the results were so amazing that she was approached by a Britain in Bloom Judge to enter, and she won!
Grow nasturtiums – these easy garden flowers create an amazing splash of colour all summer long
Martyn Cox unravels the difference.
Some plants offer additional benefits when grown in close proximity with others. Jean Vernon explores.