
Whatever your level of gardening experience we have a selection of articles, guides and videos to advise and inspire you in your garden! Make sure to check back as new content is published regularly.

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How to make summer cordials

The hedgerows are bursting with elderflower and the garden is rich in fruit ripening in abundance. You can preserve the taste of summer right now, using fresh ingredients from your garden.


Foxgloves for the garden

Have you ever wondered about growing foxgloves in your garden? Vicki Cooke unravels some of the myths and magic of these wonderful plants.


Gardening on a balcony

Many new gardeners are starting out with tiny growing spaces such as balconies. Jean Vernon suggests some small space growing solutions.


Butterflies and caterpillars

As a gardener there are a few garden ‘pests’ that can wreak havoc on our plants such as caterpillars. But before you reach for that insecticide take a few moments to really think about what...


Leafcutter bee

Leafcutter bees may leave unsightly holes in leaves as they cut small semi-circles to seal in their eggs; but these excellent pollinators are a true gardener’s friend.


Growing for scent

Gardens don’t just look fabulous they smell amazing too. Jean Vernon explores how to add scent and perfume to your garden.


Roses as cut flowers

Rose expert Michael Marriott shares his love of roses and advises how to use these garden favourites as cut flowers.

Inspiration, Plants

Five plants to amuse kids

If the kids show an interest in gardening, start planning now to nurture their enthusiasm and choose easy, fun plants to entertain and educate them.


How to grow supermarket basil

How to make the most of supermarket basil. You can make your pot of supermarket basil last much longer by potting it into a larger pot. It’s one gardening job that is easy and will...

Grow your own

How to Grow Your Own Food

Martyn Cox helps you start growing your own fruit, herbs and vegetables in your own garden, with lots of timely tips and advice.


How to grow plug plants

You can fill your garden with masses of colour, drama and variety by buying mail-order plug plants. Martyn Cox offers some seasonal advice on how to grow plug plants.

Grow your own

Grow peppers and chillies

It is perfectly possible to grow peppers and chillies in the UK, indoors or a hot spot outside. Vicki Cooke shares some growing advice, tips and her favourite varieties. Note: This article was originally written...


How to support garden plants

There are lots of different ways to stake and support your garden plants. Select the method that suits your plants, your garden and your pocket.


Five herbs for bees

Even a small pot of herbs can make a difference to your pollinating friends. Jean Vernon chooses five great herbs to grow for the bees.

1 - 30 of 879 features

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